The ICAL AA Mentorship Programme
The ICAL AA was pleased to announce the launch of its first Mentorship Programme in 2021. The ICAL AA Mentorship Programme offers current students in the ICAL master programme an opportunity to receive guidance and support from their more experienced colleagues.
All interested Mentors must be members of the ICAL AA and should, in principle, have at least 5 years of professional and/or post-graduate academic experience. Mentors should have the time to commit themselves to at least four one-on-one (virtual) meetings with their mentee during the term and commit to outstanding respectful and professional treatment at all times.
All interested Mentees should be current students of the ICAL master programme at Stockholm University, with less than 5 years of professional and/or post-graduate academic experience. Mentees should have an interest in seeking guidance in their professional development.
The applications for the 2023/2024 cycle of the Mentorship Programme are unfortunately closed.
If you are interested in participating in the 2024/2025 cycle - you are invited to reach out to as at