The ICAL family help center
Like many of you, we have been following the images and personal stories coming out of Ukraine over the past days with great sadness. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our alum that are impacted. We are also acutely aware of the great need for assistance that many of our impacted members are facing right now. We therefore set up a channel for our alumni in need of assistance and those who can provide it and ask you the following questions:
First, as members of the ICAL AA community, we would like to offer to you the support of the ICAL AA network to help how we can. If you find yourself or your loved ones in need of help, let us know and we will try to connect you with other members of our ICAL family who are able to provide it.
We understand that the situation in Ukraine is changing rapidly and we cannot begin to imagine what those impacted are experiencing or what you need at this moment (or will need in the days and weeks to come). We know that some of you have already been in touch with our colleagues and friends for assistance with border crossing, finding temporary housing, needs for basic products, etc. If you need assistance with these types of issues or others, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will endeavor to find the support you and your loved ones might need from our ICAL AA network and/or put you in contact with those that can help. You can contact the ICAL AA by email (info@icalaa.org).
Additionally, we would like to pass along information about several initiatives that might be of some help:
1. #openhome: Annette Magnusson (former Secretary General of the SCC and currently of Climate Change Counsel) has organized an informal initiative to arrange accommodation in Stockholm through a network of arbitration lawyers for our Ukrainian ICAL alum and their loved ones that are leaving their homes and arriving in Sweden. If you are interested in accommodation through this initiative, please contact Gretta Walters at gretta.walters@chaffetzlindsey.com, and she will put you in contact with the right people to organize the accommodation.
2. Safe Harbor 4 UA Mooties: Several law firms and institutions from Sweden and other European countries (with current focus on Poland, Germany and Austria) are taking steps to offer “Safe Harbor” to Ukrainian law students, particularly those involved in international mooting activities. The central idea is to provide the Ukrainian students with the support they need in a safe and friendly environment and to enable them to grow and plan for the future despite the ongoing Russian war with Ukraine. Among some of the support being offered is short-term internships, assistance in border crossing and accommodations. If you are interested, please contact Patricia Shaughnessy at patricia.shaugnessy@juridicum.su.se or visit https://www.safeharbor4uamooties.com/.
3. Alum Krystyna Khripkova along with her firm INTEGRITES have established an account to accept financial support to be spent for humanitarian aid and protective equipment. Such funds have already bought and delivered medicine, medical equipment, first-aid kits, tourniquets, body armours etc. To donate to this fund, please find the following bank information:
VR-Bank Landsberg Ammersee
Ludwigstrasse 162-164
86899 Landsberg am Lech
IBAN DE84 7009 1600 0105 2706 26
BIC: GENODEF1DSSAll currencies will be converted to EUR
4. Humanitarian Crew and United We Rise: These two initiatives are being lead by several of our alumni. To learn more about you can help, please visit https://www.uwr-hq.com/.
If there are other initiatives of which you are aware that we can share with our members, please let us know.
And this leads us to our second question: what can you offer? If you have the means and ability to help the members of our ICAL family in need, please let us know.
As indicated above, we have been receiving stories of needs for help with border crossings, accommodations, and basic products and clothing, as many are forced to leave their homes in Ukraine. There is a particular need of assistance from those in countries in Europe (particularly bordering Ukraine). If you can offer help with these needs or others or if you have information about our alum in need that you would like to pass along, please contact us by email (info@icalaa.org) or through Gretta Walters (gretta.walters@chaffetzlindsey.com).
If you are able to help our alumni in any other way or in any other situation of need they might be in, please do not hesitate to let us know.
The channel we are creating is a reaction to the current crisis in Ukraine, but our wish is to preserve it as a continuous source of information and support for all members of our ICAL AA family who might find themselves in situations of need. They say the most important thing in the world is family. And we are one. The purpose of the ICAL AA is not only the promotion of the practice of arbitration, but, more importantly, nurturing lifelong bonds, solidarity and cooperation among our members. And, therefore, if you ever find yourself in a situation of need - we want you to know that you are not alone. We are here for you and we all stand united in our wish to support you whenever you need us.